Monday, December 29

South Korean Etiquette

There are some quite interesting dining rules that are followed as regards South Korean etiquette. If you'd decide to visit Korea, these would be a great help for sure:

- South Korean etiquette involves some very strict rules regarding who should sit at specific spots at the dinner table and it is best to wait till you are told where to sit. Don't commit a social blunder by making a dash for the empty seat beside the pretty lady.

- According to the Korean etiquette the eldest person at the table eats first. So don't pounce on your food as soon as he/she arrives, however famished you might be.

- Practice saying "no" when dining out in South Korea. This is because South Korean etiquette dictates that the first offer of the second helping should always be refused. (this a bit confusing...... i can't rephrase it...)

- Don't give rise to the frowns and the raised eyebrows by pointing your chopsticks.

- Don't leave your chopsticks sticking out of the rice bowl. This is a definite no-no, as this is funeral ritual.

- However comfortable it may seem, don't use your hands to pick up food.

- Table manners in South Korea say that you don't leave anything on your plate. Indicate that you are full by keeping your chopsticks on the chopstick rest or on the table.

- Etiquette in South Korea says that you pour each other drinks. Understandably so, for Korea is a generous and giving society where the people don't just help themselves.

- If someone senior to you is extending you a drink, you should adhere to South Korean etiquette and accept it with both hands cupped on the glass. More importantly, you are expected to drink with your head turned sideways, away from your senior.

- This is for the juniors. Ensure that you keep the glasses of your seniors always full; a good way of being in their good books.

There are some other do's and don'ts in South Korea that would help you in your dealings, both personal and professional, with the Korean locals. Here:

- Always remove your shoes when entering a South Korean house. There are also some restaurants where you are supposed to enter bare feet.

- Being half-an-hour late is acceptable in South Korea. Now this is probably one thing that is sure to bring on the smiles, especially for those flouting the hands of the watch is a habit.

revised post from:

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