I'm safe with you, Harry"-> omg. that line makes cry...... :'(
I've been too busy watching Korean drama, searching the net about anything Korean, and school of course, that I already forgot about Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I good thing I saw it on the newspaper yesterday....... It said that it was supposed to be released last November 2008 but was then moved to July 17 2009. The news paper also said that Raplh Fiennes' nephew, Hero Fiennes Tiffin would be playing as the young Voldemort.
I cried when I was on the chapter where Harry had to make Dumbledore drink that liquid from the basin to get that "fake" Horcrux, as well on his burial and I think I'd be crying a lot more when I see it on the movie.
I've been waiting for the Deadly Hallows paperback since school started, back in July '08 and until now, I still can't find one. I guess It would be available in the Philippines only by Summer. idk......... I haven't checked bookstores since last last month........
*visit the official site for the trailer and pictures
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