Thursday, January 15

the BANANA diet

As elsewhere, people in Japan who are trying to lose weight gather together on internet forums and social networking sites to pick up diet tips and give each other support. Recently on Mixi, one of the most popular social networking sites in Japan, the diet musings of one of the members and the enthusiastic contributions of others in the community coalesced to produce a new and simple diet program that has jumped into the mainstream Japanese media and resulted in three books and many magazine articles. This diet was dubbed the Asa Banana Diet. Japan is known for kaizen, the gradual refinement and improvement of manufacturing and other processes, and the Asa Banana Diet is in effect Japan’s kaizen of a diet classic, the Banana Diet.

Learn the diet:
Rule #1: Eat 1-2 bananas before each meal... minimum of 3 times a day.

Very simple, huh? Not much to think about. If you eat, you're going to eat 1-2 bananas before your meal. Practical, easy, healthy, and not much to remember.

Before breakfast, eat 2 bananas. Before lunch, eat 2 bananas. Before dinner, eat 1 banana. So you eat 5 total bananas a day.

Rule #2: Eat whatever you want for meals.

This rule is simple... eat whatever you want, just as long as you eat 2 bananas before breakfast, 2 bananas before lunch, and 1 banana before dinner. Obviously eating healthier than normal would help your weight loss efforts even more, but it's not 100% necessary.

Bonus Rule: You can replace 1 banana with an apple before breakfast and lunch.

As mentioned, you can replace a banana with an apple before breakfast and lunch. This is to help relieve possible boredom. Nothing more.

*I think it's an expensive diet for Japan. My betsfriend's dad works with a Japanese and he mentioned that bananas are sold in high price in Japan.....

text from:, ezine articles

to know how much weight, you'd be able to loose, check this article from TIME.

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